On June 14, Conservative Daily podcaster Joe Oltmann vented about treasonous Republicans In Name Only (RINOs), a federal Department of Justice that is acting above the law, and all the January 6 patriots who are being abused by the legal system. Oltmann praised the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that dropped the ban on bumpstocks, which convert semi-automatics into a close approximation of a machine gun. Whether he was joking or not, he said he’d like to buy 5,000 bumpstocks and give them away.


Before he got around to bringing Colorado Republican Party leader Dave Williams online, Oltmann found time and energy to bash Lauren Boebert’s primary opponents in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, equated Democratic politicians with “demons and devils.” and wondered how gays could be real Republicans.

Williams, who is also running for Congress in Colorado’s 5th Congressional District, has angered other Republicans for sending anti-LBGTQ emails and social media messages, including “Burn all the #pride flags this June.” 

As a result, a number of Republican Party members and groups are calling for Williams to resign from his state chairman post. Williams’ anti-LGBTQ salvos are viewed as the last straw by some, who are alarmed by his support of extreme, right-wing positions and candidates, insisting on ever greater ideological purity among party members, and abandoning the long-standing policy of party leadership remaining neutral about endorsements of candidates before contested primary elections.

Under Williams’ leadership, the party has endorsed some candidates like U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District and ignored others. Like Boebert and Colorado congressional candidate Gabe Evans, Williams has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump.,

When Oltmann brought Williams onto the program, it didn’t take long for the duo to pile on Jeff Crank, who is running against Williams in the primary for the Fifth Congressional District. Williams criticized Crank for his work for Americans for Prosperity, a Koch Brothers’ organization that backs Williams. 

Williams raised the possibility that his election against Crank could be “rigged.”

“If the election is rigged, in any way, then we got other things we have to do to make sure that our voices and ballots are properly counted and heard. It just makes it harder,” Williams told Oltmann

Both Oltmann and Williams said the election system, the justice system, and the liberal media cannot be trusted.

“Washington DC is broken, so we’ve got to get Trump back into the White House and have Republicans run Congress, so we can help him succeed,” said Williams. “What I want to do is stand up to the media and professional politicians. I want to see the border secured and protect the Second Amendment.”

Williams doubled down on attacking the Pride Month and movement. “Why do we have a whole month for Pride and a single day for veterans?” he asked.

Williams said the Pride movement hates children and wants to mutilate their bodies and groom children for sex by removing consent laws. “I’ve seen pictures of a five-year-old dancing in drag dress,” he added, decrying how Pride “is pushed in our faces.”