Protect Kids Colorado, an organization formed last year to promote ballot initiatives that would negatively impact the rights of Colorado’s transgender community, is gearing up once again to submit initiatives to the Title Board in an effort to get on the 2026 ballot.
rich guggenheim
A Look at Conservative Training Program’s 2025 Class
The Leadership Program of the Rockies (LPR), Colorado’s premier conservative training course, has announced their 2025 participants. The list includes prominent activists, school board members, conservative think-tank employees.
Anti-Trans Ballot Initiatives Fail to Collect Enough Signatures; Cannot Appear on 2024 Ballot
This morning, activists from Protect Kids Colorado and partnered organizations announced that their two ballot initiatives, both targeting the rights of transgender youths in Colorado, had failed to collect enough signatures to be eligible for the 2024 ballot.
Proponents of Anti-Trans Ballot Initiatives Falsely Claim ‘Furries’ Run Rampant in CO Public Schools, Biting and Scratching Other Students
The myth has served to advance the broader conservative culture war against LGBTQ inclusion in schools, with proponents generally positioning furries as the next stop on the slippery slope of tolerance for diverse identities.
Two Anti-Trans Ballot Initiatives Move Closer to November Ballot
This week, the Colorado Title Board approved two ballot initiatives targeting transgender people in Colorado. “Public Athletic Programs for Minors,” which would require transgender athletes to compete according to their sex assigned at birth in school or intramural athletics, and “Prohibit Certain Medical Procedures for Minors,” which would ban gender-affirming care for anyone under 18, had their titles set during Tuesday’s meeting.