Most journalism is compost for a community. The manure of words can be toxic for sure (e.g., FOX News), but if it’s done right, journalism lays the groundwork for debate, inspires new ideas, stimulates broader perspectives, and kills infectious societal diseases like misinformation, conspiracies, lies, inconsistencies, and more.
Heidi Ganahl
With Speakers Bureau Featuring Election Deniers, Republican Wants To Make Being a Conservative ‘Fun’ Again in Colorado
Colorado Republican leader Heidi Ganahl’s Rocky Mountain Voice (RMV) website offers “top speakers” who will make it “fun” to be a “conservative again in Colorado.”
Two Years After Her Landslide Loss, Heidi Ganahl Claims Her Election Results Were “Off”
Next week, as Coloradans start filling out their ballots, many will vote via the hundreds of secure drop boxes found at libraries and municipal buildings throughout the state. If former gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl’s latest plan is successful, voters may encounter election fraud conspiracists camped out nearby. Her volunteers, should any appear, will be on the lookout for signs of ballot stuffing, an unproven crime alleged by Dinesh D’Souza’s debunked movie 2000 Mules, and for which the film’s publisher was forced to publicly apologize after pulling the film.
‘Purple’ Senate Campaign More Red Than Blue
Centennial City Councilor Robyn Carnes told attendees of last month’s Republican fundraiser luncheon that she’s running a “purple” campaign, but a review of her political connections shows more red than blue.
Ganahl Won’t Say if She’ll Run for Governor Again
Appearing on KNUS’ Jeff and Bill Show this morning, former Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl dodged a direct question about whether she’d “run for governor again,” responding in part with, “I’m having a great time meeting people all over Colorado and getting them excited and hopeful again, and we will turn things around. I’m very confident of that.”
Editor of Conservative News Outlet, Which Founder Ganahl Says Will Support GOP, Also Serves as President of CO Press Association
“So this is the Road to Red. We’re going to build an effective messaging machine. We’re going to build an effective movement, and we’re going to win elections again.” — former GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl.
Common Sense Institute Chairman Among Wealthy Conservatives Backing Heidi Ganahl’s Plan to Retake Colorado
Heidi Ganahl, failed gubernatorial candidate and host of the “Unleashed” podcast, has a new project in the works, one that aims to help Republicans regain control in Colorado. The former CU regent has already secured significant funding from prominent GOP donors, including Walter “Buz” Koelbel, chairman of the Common Sense Institute’s board of directors, and fellow developer, former state senate candidate Tim Walsh. In a leaked Zoom video, Koelbel joined Ganahl as she pitched her “Road to Red” to a wider group of conservative supporters.
Ganahl Assumed Conservative Nonprofits “Would Have The Ground Game Ready” For Her in 2022
UPDATE: Following publication, LPR Board Chair Bob Schaffer replied to CTR’s email. His response has been added.
Unleashed: The Heidi Ganahl Grievance Hour
Heidi Ganahl, who was trounced by Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) in November’s election, launched her new weekly podcast, “Unleashed,” at Wide Open Saloon in Sedalia on Tuesday. Billed as “exposing what Is REALLY going on behind the curtain in Colorado,” Ganahl’s inaugural episode featured guests Danny Moore, her former running mate, Erin Lee, a “mad mom,” Gregory Carlson, former president of CU’s College Republicans, and Jimmy Sengenberger, a KNUS radio host and Gazette contributor.
Reporters Are ‘Cynical and Selective,’ Leaving Conservative Radio As ‘Only Way We Got Our Voice Out,’ Says Ganahl
“What really was frustrating to me is that the public, the people of Colorado, didn’t get to hear my heart. They didn’t get to hear who I am, or how I wanted to solve problems for them because [the news media] were so jaded and cynical, cynical and selective,” Heidi Ganahl told KOA radio host Mandy Connell last week.