A spokesperson for a prominent Denver Metro Republican club says it won’t remove a post featuring the Proud Boys and QAnon from its Facebook page.
Colorado GOP
Moving Money: Ryan Call’s 2019 Presentation on the Colorado GOP’s Super PAC
Former Colorado GOP Chair Ryan Call is in serious legal trouble for allegedly stealing nearly $280,000 from pro-Trump super PAC Rebuilding America Now while he was treasurer of the organization from 2016 to 2019. Despite the fact that one complainant, Cleta Mitchell, is a fervent election fraud conspiracist, her allegations are serious enough for the state Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel (OARC) to decide to move forward with a complaint following its own investigation.
Candidates to Lead CO Republican Party Embrace Election Conspiracy Theories
Good news for the conspiracist wing of the Colorado Republican party: both candidates currently vying to replace Congressman Ken Buck as state GOP chair believe Denver-based Dominion Voting may have been responsible for election fraud, both in Colorado and across the nation.
Neville Laments & Stokes Division Among Statehouse Republicans
Outgoing House Minority Leader Patrick Neville chose not to run for a second term leading the Colorado House Republicans, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still willing to speak his mind publicly. Whether on social media or talk radio, Neville, who’s never been one to be shy about sharing his opinions, is letting everyone know how he feels.
Colorado Republicans Fundraising on Fraud Allegations
Colorado Republicans are asking their supporters for donations to investigate election fraud, but apparently only in those races they lost or are still too close to call.
Neville Gonna Give You Up?
Are two top Colorado Republicans moving on from party politics?
Conservative Group With Ties to the CO Republican Party Is Fundraising to Sue Journalists
FEC United, a conservative group working closely with the Colorado Republican Party, is fundraising to sue journalists for “unequal treatment.”
FEC United Founder Threatens Journalists at GOP Candidate Event
At an event yesterday intended to showcase the candidates whom the new conservative political group FEC United is supporting, founder Joe Oltmann threatened to dox journalists who report negatively about the group.
Conservative Group Behind Deadly “Patriot Muster” Rally Working Closely With Colorado GOP
FEC United, a new conservative political group, organized the Oct. 10 “Patriot Muster” rally in Denver’s Civic Center Park. The event turned deadly immediately after its conclusion when a private security guard hired by 9News to protect its reporters shot and killed a rally attendee who pepper sprayed him.
Colorado GOP & Its Largest County Chapter Promise Not to Criticize Each Other Publicly
After months of intra-party disputes spilling into the press, El Paso County Republican leaders reached an agreement with one another and with state party chair Congressman Ken Buck to work together to elect GOP candidates and to play nice in the media.