The Common Sense Institute (CSI), a conservative research organization, educates the public about “policy debates” without taking sides or supporting candidates or ballot initiatives, according to its website.
advance colorado
Conservatives Threaten More Ballot Initiatives if Their Bills Don’t Pass
Yesterday was the launch of Colorado’s 2025 legislative session, and Democrats and Republicans are both focused on affordability, housing, and mental health this year. But they disagree on what should be done.
Christian Homeschoolers Join Progressives in Opposition to School Choice Amendment
Progressive public education advocates in Colorado have found an unlikely ally in their opposition to Amendment 80 — Christian homeschoolers.
Why ‘School Choice’ is on the Colorado Ballot This Year — and What You Should Know About It
Since school choice covers many options, it can be confusing, and it is often the “subject of fierce debate in various state legislatures across the United States.”
Ballot Initiatives 50 & 108: Ready Colorado Protests Too Much
In a rare display of bipartisanship, advocacy groups from across the political spectrum joined together to call on Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) to convene a special session of the state Legislature to negotiate the end of a pair of tax-cutting ballot initiatives that would gut the state’s budget so severely that even most conservative groups are opposed to them. Club 20? Not a bunch of libs. Neither are the Colorado Contractors Association, or NAIOP Colorado, which is the state chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Development Association.
Cause for Concern? Colorado’s Top Business Group Goes Dark Following Property Tax Deal
In the 48 hours following the close of Colorado’s legislative session, the state’s most prominent business group, Colorado Concern, had a board member resign publicly while citing policy disagreements, and scrubbed the names of member companies and its remaining board members from its website. Now, nobody is willing to talk about what happened.
Conservative Activists Oppose Charter School Accountability, Propose Ballot Initiative
Conservative activist group Advance Colorado is leading the charge against House Bill 1363, “Charter Schools Accountability.” The bill would impose additional regulations on Colorado’s charter schools, removing automatic waivers for things like teacher licensure and readiness assessments, allowing community members to appeal a local board’s decision to approve a charter school, and granting boards broader powers to revoke or not renew a charter.