This week, Democrat-controlled Colorado House committees voted down two proposed anti-abortion bills from state Rep. Scott Bottoms (R-Colorado Springs). Bottoms’ “Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child” bill was killed by the State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee, and his “Require Information about Abortion Pill Reversal” bill met the same fate in the Health and Human Services Committee.
Hickenlooper Sponsors Bill to Protect IVF
Democrats in Washington have introduced legislation that would establish a statutory right to access in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technology services. U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) has co-sponsored the Access to Family Building Act, which he says will ensure no hopeful parent or doctor is punished for trying to start or grow a family.
The Catholic Church Weighs In on Dueling Abortion Initiatives Ahead of 2024 Election
Catholic leaders urge strategic pro-life engagement amid 2024 abortion initiative showdown.
Advocates Rally for Launch of “Right to Abortion” Ballot Initiative
Colorado abortion advocates, elected officials, and faith leaders rallied at the Capitol yesterday to celebrate the launch of the campaign for Prop 89, the “Right to Abortion” ballot initiative.
Dems Commemorate Roe, Urge Voters to Approve Abortion Ballot Measure
Colorado’s Democratic legislators have introduced a resolution urging voters to support a ballot initiative to recognize the right to an abortion under the Colorado Constitution and to designate Jan. 22 as Roe v. Wade Day.
Polis Condemns Texas Abortion Law
Colorado Governor Jared Polis released a statement condemning Texas’ abortion laws and the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who threatened hospitals with legal action should they perform an abortion for Kate Cox, who was diagnosed with an unviable pregnancy.
Boebert Continues To Call for an Abortion Ban, When Many Republicans Fear Backlash on the Issue
The success of pro-abortion ballot measures in California, Michigan, Vermont, and most recently in conservative-leaning Ohio demonstrate the electoral impact of abortion on voters. In Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is facing a Republican primary and challenges from Democrats and Libertarians, all of whom have different stances on abortion.
‘The Pro-life Community Finds Themselves on Their Heels:’ Activists React to National Abortion Ballot Measures
This month voters in Ohio passed a ballot initiative, Issue 1, that enshrined reproductive rights in the Ohio Constitution — contraception, fertility treatment, abortion, and miscarriage care — restoring Roe v. Wade-era access in Ohio and protecting “the right to abortion up to the point of fetal viability.” Former President Donald Trump carried Ohio with 53% of the vote in 2020, but 56.6% of voters supported Issue 1. Ohio joins California, Michigan, and Vermont in amending their state constitutions to protect abortion, and this has anti-abortion activists concerned.
Title Board Rejects Economic Arguments from Anti-Abortion Advocates
Yesterday the Colorado Title Board rejected a motion for rehearing from the proponents of the “Protections for a Living Child” ballot initiative, which would classify abortion as murder and result in the prosecution of patients and medical providers and the closure of any medical facility that aids in an abortion, including pharmacies that provide medication abortion. Proponents Angela Eicher and Faye Barnhart argued that the fiscal note accompanying the initiative “appears prejudicial and could be misleading to the voter.”
Lamborn Supports Legislation to Repeal the FACE Act
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) has joined Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) in introducing legislation to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, according to a news release from Roy’s office.