Denver talk-radio host Craig Silverman challenged GOP U.S. Senate canidate Ryan Frazier’s assertion May 6 that the petition path to the primary ballot is a grassroots route, and Silverman asked, after Frazier was off air, whether donations to Frazier’s campaign would “go directly to Scott Gessler and his legal fees.”
Did GOP flack intend for his attack on anti-vaxxer Neville to richochet into anti-vaxxer Woods?
GOP operative Tyler Sandberg took a Twitter shot at State Sen.Tim Neville (R-Littleton) last month, just after Neville lost his bid to take on Michael Bennet in this fall’s Colorado Senate race.
9News reporter doesn’t let Coffman hide behind and then contradict spokesperson
Politicians like to trick us by hiding behind their spokespeople and then, if necessary, contradicting whatever their spokesperson said.
TrumpWatch: Gardner said Trump can’t win. Woods favored him. What say local Republicans now?
The local response to Trump’s big win last night should catch the attention of journalists now, with Colorado Republicans coming to grips with Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee.
Fact Check: Keyser blames SOS for ballot fiasco, but he made the error
U.S. Senate candidate John Keyser is blaming his campaign’s initial failure to qualify for the GOP primary ballot on a “bureaucrat” in the CO Secretary of State’s Office.
Powerful Christian-right group aligned with 33 Colorado Republicans against Planned Parenthood
Thirty-three Republican members of the Colorado legislature joined last year with the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a national anti-choice and anti-LGBT organization, in demanding the Colorado health department investigate Planned Parenthood, according to a letter released by ADF via Colorado State Sen. Kevin Lundberg’s office.
Another layer of sadness added to depressing situation at Denver Post
Westword’s Michael Roberts reported yesterday on The Denver Post’s announcement that it plans to offer buyouts another 26 journalists:
Journalists correctly see challenges faced by candidate who “needed a court ruling to keep his campaign alive”
In its report on a Denver judge’s decision to allow U.S. Senate candidate Jon Keyser on the Republican primary ballot, after the Secretary of State had rejected his petitions, The Denver Post’s John Frank and Mark Matthews reported:
Tea Party activist is now “executive editor” at the Colorado Statesman?
If all you knew about Jennifer Kerns is her job title of executive editor of the Colorado Statesman, you may have been surprised if you attended last Thursday’s meeting of the North Jeffco Tea Party, where she provided an evening lecture titled, “Brokered Brand: How the GOP continues to compromise its brand and lose elections… and what you can do about it.”
When will a reporter ask Woods why she likes Trump?
How many times does State Sen. Laura Woods (R-Westminster) have to say she likes Donald Trump before a reporter will ask her the simple question of, why?