As the inauguration of Donald Trump approaches, the ACLU of Colorado is reaffirming its commitment to protecting the rights of Coloradans by calling on statewide leaders to make the state a “civil liberties safe zone.”
Republicans plan to defund Planned Parenthood as part of Obamacare repeal, but activists promise to “fight like hell”
The director of Planned Parenthood in Colorado said yesterday her organization will “fight like hell” against plans by Republicans, announced by U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Racist GOP county chair makes it official
A while back, Denver blogger Jason Salzman called the GOP’s Otero County Chair Judy Reyher to ask about seemingly racist posts on her Facebook page—things like complaining that black people are “hate filled beings” and many other examples. At the time she denied being a racist.
GOP candidate Casper Stockham posts fake news even when he knows it’s fake
With all the stories about “fake news” in the election, you would think someone like Casper Stockham (R-Colorado), Dianna Degette’s (D-Colorado) opponent in the recent Colorado CD1 election, would be reluctant to post fake news on his Facebook page.
In which I explain Russell’s Teapot to Colorado State Rep. Justin Everett
First things first. I have to credit Colorado State House Republican Justin Everett for being willing to defend his views on twitter. I’ve been blocked by dozens of Republican lawmakers for simply arguing against their positions, even when I’ve done so in a polite and respectful way.
That time U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn admitted there is no “replacement” plan for Obamacare
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) seems to admit that there is no actual GOP “replacement” for the Affordable Care Act, despite the fact that he seems to be in a great hurry to repeal it.
Fake news is a frightening problem. Here are some ways we could solve it.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen how far-reaching the effects of fake news can be.
Journalist would re-start real-estate blog if the right sponsor materializes
After a six-year run, John Rebchook has shuttered his Denver Real Estate Watch blog, but he’d fire up the platform again if the right sponsor makes the right offer.
On radio, Democratic strategist responds to criticism of the Democratic Party
Appearing as a guest on conservative KNUS 710-AM Saturday, Democratic strategist Ted Trimpa responds to a caller who’s angry with the Democratic Party.
Republican state legislator implies he’s committing crimes and may go to jail
District 59’s GOP representative J Paul Brown (R) is apparently a big fan of Cliven Bundy, the freeloading rancher who wants taxpayers to fund his ranching because he apparently isn’t very good at it. Bundy is also a racist, as the following quote illustrates: