Neil Gorsuch is the greatest thing since sliced bread and what makes him so very unique is that he is a white-haired white dude that Republicans like.
When you’re anti-taxing so hard you stumble onto a perfect anti-TABOR argument
Colorado’s State Legislature is working on its yearly budget, which includes HB 1242, a bipartisan compromise that would ask voters to approve a small tax increase to provide up to 3.2 billion to address the state’s crumbling infrastructure. The hard-right wing of the Republican party in Colorado hates the deal because of their dogmatic adherence to a “no new taxes” position.
Colorado Springs election voter guide
If you live in Colorado Springs, you might have noticed there’s an election coming up. Or maybe you haven’t, judging by the already low voter turnout.
Candidate for Colorado Springs City Council once pushed controversial anti-abortion legislation
Janak Joshi, who’s running for the Colorado Springs City Council District 6 seat, was a controversial character during his time as a Colorado state Representative.
Colorado Springs City Council candidate responds to opponent’s criminal complaint against her campaign, defies policy research & analysis
Last Sunday, conservative talk radio host Tron Simpson of KVOR’s Weekend Talk with Tron, interviewed Colorado Springs City Council candidate for District 5, Lynette Crow-Iverson, to discuss her position on issues related to the city, and to address the issue of a criminal complaint filed with the El Paso District Attorney against her campaign by her opponent, incumbent city council member, Jill Gaebler.
Buck would have voted for the Obamacare replacement bill in part because Trump “deserves a honeymoon”
U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) told a conservative radio host Friday that he would have supported the GOP’s proposal to replace Obamacare, if it had come up for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives last week.
Colorado Common Cause to host discussion on how to fight fake news
Colorado Common Cause will host a happy hour and discussion Thursday, April 6, on “Fighting Fake News in the Digital Age.”
How the confirmation bias bubble turns the truth on its head in the Fever Swamps™
Like most everyone else, when U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) made his wild claims about surveillance of the Trump administration, I was a bit confused about the purpose. He seemed to be acknowledging that they had been caught up in the monitoring of foreign adversaries via legally obtained FISA warrants. This indicates that members of Trump’s administration were talking to the bad guys we were monitoring. It certainly didn’t support Trump’s claim that Obama had him “wiretapped.” Today, he has come out to say there is no evidence of the wiretapping Trump claimed.
How the arm of a Colorado Congressman was twisted until he voted for Republican legislation
Back in 2003, when Congressional Republicans desperately needed votes to pass a GOP bill, former Colorado Congressman Joel Helfley voted “yes” only after Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert essentially told him that a no vote would cost him his position as chair of a House committee.
Gardner gives a non-answer for an answer
In an interview today with NPR’s Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) continued his pattern of refusing to take a stance on the GOP proposal to replace Obamacare.