When former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters’ trial begins tomorrow, she will face multiple felony charges related to her alleged role in copying secure voter data from county servers back in 2021. Two years ago, she claimed that Congresswoman Lauren Boebert dined with her and other election fraud conspiracists the day after the illegal copying occurred. Peters says she, Boebert’s former campaign manager Sherronna Bishop, an unnamed Mesa County Commissioner candidate, and ex-surfer turned election fraud conspiracist Conan Hayes, dined together on a Monday evening, following the Sunday afternoon breach of the voting data server.
Christian Right Split on Climate Change: Some Say It’s Fake, Others Say It’s Punishment for Sins Like Abortion
The scientific consensus is that human-caused greenhouse gases make these problems worse, but conservative Christian groups deny this consensus, claim it’s not really that hot, and suggest weather woes may be signs of God’s divine wrath or the second coming of Christ.
After Calling on His Party’s Leadership to Resign, Will Evans Disavow Their Support?
Last Friday Republican congressional candidate Gabe Evans publicly called on his own state party chair to resign, and for the party’s central committee to vote him out if he refused to step down. GOP calls for Williams to step down boiled over last month when Williams sent a vicious anti-gay missive via the party’s email account attacking anyone who supports Pride month.
Pro-Abortion Activists Engaging with Faith Communities this Election Season
This Saturday, just blocks away from Rep. Gabe Evans’ (R-Fort Lupton) newly-opened CD8 campaign “battlestation,” the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) held a campaign launch to mobilize Latines in Colorado to turn out to vote and enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution.
Congressional Candidate Evans ‘Does Not Support’ Obamacare, Concludes Expert
When asked if he supports the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Colorado congressional candidate Gabe Evans has responded not with a yes-or-no answer but by suggesting that he wants a healthcare system “without all the ACA-imposed red tape.”
National Republican Congressional Committee Launches “Battlestation” in Thornton
Rep. Gabe Evans (R-Fort Lupton), the Republican Congressional District 8 candidate, welcomed supporters during the grand opening of his National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) “Battlestation Office” last night in Thornton.
In Vail, Polis Blasts ‘Worrisome’ Project 2025, SCOTUS Enviro Record
VAIL, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Thursday, following the launch of a state-funded geothermal project here, took on the Trump-aligned Project 2025 plans for rolling back renewables and exploiting public lands with a massive surge in fossil fuels.
The U.S. Must Stop Supplying Arms to an Accused War Criminal
Congress should listen to the American people, not an Israeli prime minister who may be guilty of war crimes.
CO Republicans Are About To Oust Their Leader — Again.
If Dave Williams is booted from his position as leader of the Colorado Republican Party this weekend, it will be no surprise, given the fate of the six Colorado Republican chairs over the past 13 years. All six were run out of office, the last four after just one term each. Will Eli Bremer, who today announced his intention to replace Williams, be the leader to end the nearly decade-long streak of one-and-done chairmen?