The GOP’s attacks on trans people are setting a stage for a broader assault on rights we all enjoy.
By Pardoning His Son Hunter, Biden Fails a Spiritual Test
I have been asked what my spiritual or ethical take is on the controversies surrounding pardons. Of particular interest is President Biden granting his son what looks to be an even better deal than getting a Monopoly game ‘Get Out of Jail, Free’ card. Specifically, my readers want to know if I would have pardoned Hunter if he were my child.
DAVIS: Mike Huckabee’s Ambassador Appointment is Worse Than You Think
Amid the unrelenting cavalcade of appalling Trump administration appointees announced in recent weeks, one pick slid past without nearly enough scrutiny: the selection of Mike Huckabee to serve as the United States’ ambassador to Israel. With no diplomatic experience whatsoever, Huckabee will take up the crucial posting in the middle of a war. But it’s not Huckabee’s lack of experience which makes the choice so eyebrow-raising, it’s his apocalyptic Christian Zionist notion of Israel.
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Colorado has a lot of great news outlets, but the Colorado Times Recorder has a lane that we own: We report on politics from an openly progressive perspective, calling out election deniers and bigotry; correcting misinformation on conservative media platforms, reporting on dangerous groups and events, fact-checking public figures and activists, and educating the public on issues that matter most to progressives.
Are Ballot Measures a Symptom of Poor Representation?
John Matsusaka, University of Southern California
DAVIS: Colorado-Based Christian Nationalists are Rewriting Recent History
The “least credible history book in print.” That’s the honor voters bestowed on David Barton’s 2012 book about Thomas Jefferson, which rewrote the third president as a modern God & Country evangelical and distanced him from that whole slavery mess. The book was ultimately withdrawn from publication by Christian publishing house Thomas Nelson, but neither the withdrawal nor the spate of scathing reviews slowed Barton down. If anything, his star has risen even further: today, Barton is constantly found onstage alongside the biggest names in the Christian nationalist movement.
The Solution to Alexandra Ocasio Cortez’s Post-Election Puzzle
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez HAYDEN, CO — I know, I know. You’ve seen so many post-election analysis pieces that your eyes cross or glaze over.
DAVIS: Giving Thanks in Dark Times
Despite being a holiday rooted in a stone-cold historical myth constructed to provide an alibi for early settler treatment of indigenous Americans, I have always enjoyed Thanksgiving. As a child, I enjoyed it more than Christmas – which was typically dreary and gray in my native Nashville – but my enjoyment of Thanksgiving has grown as an adult. Now that I am rarely required to participate in dubious reenactments of the holiday’s self-serving origin myth, I can enjoy it for what it is: America’s only proper feast day, and it even comes with football.