As November comes to a close, Comedian Hannah Jones gives a recap on Colorado news you might have missed.
Colorado’s Representatives Should Join Calls For a Sustained Ceasefire in Gaza
In the weeks since Hamas’ horrifying attack on Israeli Jews in southern Israel, killing an estimated 1,200 people and taking more than 200 people hostage, I’ve been deeply troubled by Israel’s onslaught in Gaza and the U.S.’s role in aiding and abetting it.
The Colorado Case Against Trump is Clear. Will the Court Follow the Law?
The trial over whether former President Donald Trump should be disqualified from the Colorado presidential ballot can seem complex. So let’s step back for a moment and look at the basics.
Much-Needed Book by Local Author Aims to Help Faith-Doubting Christians Become Atheists
My wife, who was raised Catholic, is an atheist like me, but she thinks I’m different. Unlike her, she says I’m a religion-hating atheist who was indoctrinated at a young age by my godless parents.
Can We Stop Pretending that Religious Conservatives Care About Parental Rights?
So much for “parental rights.” As various religious-conservative school board members and candidates have made abundantly clear, their aim is not to empower parents but to use Colorado’s public schools to promote their faith-based agenda.
DAVIS: A Split Decision in School Districts Statewide
The floor of the Ute Pass Cultural Center quaked in time with the bass drum on Tuesday night as hundreds of Woodland Park citizens crowded into the room to await election results. By 6pm, an hour before polls closed, the venue was packed, the sounds of laughter and conversation competing only with the soulful voice of the band’s singer – who I finally realized was Erin O’Connell, the local parent-turned-activist who has led much of the charge against the town’s controversial school board. The anxiety and anticipation which grips the first hour of so many election night parties was absent, replaced by the palpable relief the community felt at having finally made it to this point.
The Shomer: 69-Year-Old Jewish Man Killed at Pro-Palestinian Rally… And Much More.
“The Israelites were sent many, many messengers and prophets. They killed some of them. They even tried to kill Jesus.” These were the words of an Imam who gave a sermon to a room full of children at the Colorado Muslims Community Center in Aurora on Oct. 22. He then told a story of Jewish fishermen who cast nets prior to the sabbath, then retrieved the nets the day after. “What did Allah do to them as a punishment? Yes? Yes. He made them into monkeys. Literal physical monkeys. Monkeys. Does this sound like a people you want to do business with?”