“The church is not more powerful in Colorado than Satan is. I mean, think about what I’m saying. If that was different, wouldn’t we be able to do something about this?”
News Analysis
Health Misinformation on Social Media – Here’s What It Does, Why It Spreads, and What People Can Do About It
By Monica Wang — The global anti-vaccine movement and vaccine hesitancy that accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic show no signs of abating.
Is a Right-Wing-Pastor Turned-Legislator the GOP’s State House Leader, As He Claims to Be?
After state Rep. Ken DeGraaf (R-Colorado Springs) nominated his GOP colleague Scott Bottoms to be speaker of the Colorado state House in January, Bottoms – who, like DeGraaf, had only just been sworn in for his first term in the Legislature that morning — startled some in the chamber by speaking up and seconding his own nomination.
Unserious Lawyers Charged With Serious Crimes: Dan Caplis’ Praise of Jenna Ellis & Trump’s Legal Team
Dan Caplis is a serious lawyer, or so he says. So serious, in fact, that he’s trademarked the phrase, “a serious firm for serious cases.” Jenna Ellis is not a serious lawyer, but she has been charged with serious crimes. She also admitted, in her formal censure by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, to spreading misinformation about the 2020 election no fewer than ten times, including on Dan Caplis’ KNUS radio show.
Freedom Conference: Red Meat on the Table at Beaver Creek This Weekend
BEAVER CREEK, Colo. – Only today’s snarling cult-of-Trump Republican Party could make people feel warm, fuzzy, and nostalgic for the days of Dick Cheney at this posh, gated ski resort near Vail. Of course, the former vice president and Iraq War architect had more than his share of local detractors back in the day.
GOP Governor Nominee Ganahl Still Won’t Say 2020 Election Was Legitimate
Despite the pundits’ pleas, Heidi Ganahl just can’t quit the Big Lie.
Biden’s Broken Promise on Climate?
The administration resumes oil and gas leasing — and fixes a dysfunctional system in the process. Analysis by Jonathan Thompson, High Country News
Lawmaker Who Uses Ivermectin for COVID Believes Dems Don’t Grasp Where Air Pollution Comes From
State Rep. Rod Pelton (R-Cheyenne Wells), who uses the mostly veterinary drug Ivermectin to fight off COVID, also has anti-scientific views when it comes to Colorado’s air pollution woes, saying recently that Democrats at the state Capitol don’t seem to understand that they can’t clean up air pollution in Colorado that originates in California.
‘I’m Having the Time of My Life’ in DC, Says Boebert; Gets to Troll Liberals Every Single Day
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) made an appearance at the Fremont County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner last Saturday, and delivered her rehearsed and flippant quip to the friendly crowd:
Boebert To “Rally the Troops” in Georgia
You knew that the only thing stopping Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert (R-CO) from exploding across the conservative underworld nationally was actually getting elected.