A TikTok trend started circulating in September 2023 encouraging women to ask the men in their lives just how often they think about the Roman Empire. My partner did not even bother asking me, she saved some time and jumped straight to laughter. As the person who knows me best, she already knew that the answer was a lot. All I could say in my own defense was that I actually spend almost zero time thinking about the Roman Empire, because I’m far too busy thinking about the Roman Republic – the 400-year experiment in flawed quasi-democracy which collapsed into the Roman Empire. She did not consider this exculpatory. But, as a citizen of a 249-year experiment in flawed quasi-democracy which appears on the verge of collapse, I’m not sure how I could avoid thinking about it.
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DAVIS: Xenophobia, Sexism, and QAnon Stand Out in New Study of Christian Nationalist Beliefs
Researchers released a new dataset measuring the size, demographics, and beliefs of the Christian nationalist movement in America earlier this month, and the findings are grim. The Public Religion Research Institute’s 2025 “Christian Nationalism Across All 50 States” data found that support for Christian nationalist beliefs is strongly correlated with increased hostility towards migrants, adherence to sexist and patriarchal views, and an increased likelihood of belief in conspiracy theories and support for political violence.
DAVIS: The Seven Mountains Mandate is the Biggest Story the Media is Missing
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DAVIS: Project 2025 Is Here, and Not Wasting Any Time
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DAVIS: Want to Understand Christian Nationalism Better? Read One of These Books.
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