Editor’s note: This poem was inspired by the Telluride Mushroom Festival. A picture of the festival is included above. Photo credit: Mariah Grimes.
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Poem: Golly John
Background: John Mansfield wasn’t a statewide name, but in our small rural corner of Colorado he was a big presence. He wore many hats. Artist. Peace Officer. Town Trustee. Founded the local recreation district, a community center, several youth organizations. He did it all with humor and compassion. As San Miguel County Sheriff Bill Masters told me at the Norwood memorial for John this past summer solstice, he and John didn’t like using the word “law enforcement” since it suggested the use of force. Rather Bill said, “People should call us what we are: peace officers.”
Poem: Selling You A Phony Life of Plunder
“Technology was this great human thing. Wired magazine and capitalismand extraction and behaviorism and finance all killed it.”-Doug Rushkoff, Wired, 11 May 23
Poem: Christian Democracy
Author’s Note: Indigenous science writer and wise woman Robin Wall Kimmerer wants to help correct English’s objectification of the natural world. She has been advocating a change to our use of the third person neuter pronoun “it” for things that are very much alive for animists and deep ecologists. Her suggestion substitutes “ki” for “it” – utilizing a suffix from her Potawatomi tradition which means “from the living earth.” As a bridge to that change, I’ve taken to adding the suffix “ki” to “it” in my poetry.