Following a Colorado Times Recorder story on Thursday, Eagle County Sheriff James van Beek canceled his children’s story time reading of a book by far-right extremist and “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, which had been set for Saturday at the Eagle Library.

The Eagle County Sheriff’s Department on Friday issued the following statement on behalf of van Beek:

“I wanted to put out a brief note to address some concerns expressed about a children’s book reading that was scheduled for tomorrow. Children’s story time should not be subjects of concern, but rather a sharing of joy, adventure, inspiration, education, and a vision of who we can become.

“I was honored to have been asked to do another children’s story time, which is a passion for me, and I try to schedule something at least every few months. So naturally I agreed to do it. At the time, while I was given the book title, I didn’t realize the controversy surrounding it. Storytime for young children should not be controversial, even if the topic is worthy. 

“To this objective, on Thursday 8/22/24 I canceled my participation at the event scheduled for tomorrow at the library, and will reschedule a book reading to take place, away from any controversy, and in line with my current community-focused, children’s story-time program. 

“With the beginning of a new school year, our next book and event will center on the importance of kindness, connection to community, and how we can all live a life of virtue, honor, and meaning. 

“Young people are influenced by messages, whether direct or subliminal and we want their book time to be a time of dreaming and excitement for a wonderful future.  If reading becomes a time of joy, then children will be more likely to select a book over more screen time.”

The Eagle County Republican Party on Friday sent out a new email blast promoting the event with a different person scheduled to read Posobiec’s “The Island of Free Ice Cream”. Local GOP Chairman Tony Martinez also sent an email statement about the Colorado Times Recorder story:

“I wanted to thank you for quoting me in your recent hit piece – I appreciate that you allowed God to appear in your column!” Martinez wrote. “Maybe you’ll see the Light one day and make a change in your life – I pray for people like you every day! Oh, and if this hit piece is you’re ‘A’ game, it’s pretty weak.”

The Eagle Library also issued a statement on Friday:

“The library follows District policy when reserving meeting room space for anyone in the community,” Anne Clarke of the Eagle Library wrote in an email. “The Eagle County Republicans event was no exception. Colorado law requires equitable access to public library meeting rooms.”

Clarke went on to cite Colorado Revised Statute 24-90-122 on making public facilities available on an equitable basis.