
Colorado Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo (D-CO) became a co-sponsor last week of a bill aimed at lowering the prices of prescription drugs.

In response, Rocky Mountain Values, a progressive advocacy group, has launched a billboard campaign asking Coloradans to thank Caraveo for her support of the legislation.

The digital billboard, which will run through August near the intersection of Highway 36 and Highway 287, states, “Tell Rep. Yadira Caraveo thank you for supporting H.R. 4895 to lower prescription drug prices. Call (970) 324-2567.”

Caraveo is among the 73 sponsors of H.R. 4895, the “Lowering Drug Costs for American Families Act.” It would, among other things, expand on a popular provision of the Inflation Reduction Act that allowed Medicare to negotiate with drug companies to try to lower the prices of an annual total of 50 expensive medicines.

The billboard is part of a multi-pronged effort by Rocky Mountain Values to draw attention to Caraveo’s work on prescription drug prices.

Polling shows that the cost of healthcare is seen as a top-of-mind issue for key voters across the country — and likely also in Caraveo’s district, Colorado’s 8th Congressional District (CD8), which is expected to be a battleground for one of the most competitive House races in the country. The cost of prescription drugs is particularly important to Latino voters, of which CD8 has more than any other district in the state.

Caraveo’s Republican opponent is Ft. Lupton state lawmaker Gabe Evans, who could not be reached for comment on allowing Medicaid to negotiate with drug companies to lower prescription prices. In the state Legislature last year, Evans voted against a proposal to cap the price of EpiPens.

CD8 is Colorado’s newest congressional district, established after the 2020 U.S. Census. It’s located mostly north and east of Denver.