Election fraud conspiracist Kari Lake, who very nearly became Arizona’s governor last fall, has endorsed another election denier in a nearby state: Colorado’s notorious former county clerk, Tina Peters, who is running to lead her state’s Republican Party despite facing multiple felony charges.
Lake still hasn’t accepted the results of her narrow loss, even after losing a legal challenge. This denial gives her something in common with Peters, who continues to reject her own landslide loss in last June’s Colorado GOP primary for Secretary of State, even after a recount and a dismissed lawsuit.
Months after the 2022 election, Lake continues to mount legal challenges against her opponent Katie Hobbs’ victory. Her most recent attempt to overturn the election was rejected by an Arizona appeals court on Feb. 16. Lake also has embraced increasingly outlandish conspiracy theories about the election, agreeing with far-right podcast host Pete Santilli that her defeat was part of a “CIA coup.”
Lake’s endorsement comes in the form of an audio recording Peters shared with the Colorado Times Recorder in response to a request for comment on her entrance into the race.
“Hi, this is Kari Lake.
Tina Peters is a tenacious patriot and an advocate for the people of Colorado who puts Coloradans first and has continued to gain their trust in spite of the onslaught of legal attacks from Biden’s corrupt DOJ and the Colorado political elite.
The people know the truth. They are sick and tired of the derailment of their collective Republican voice. Put your support behind Tina Peters for the Colorado GOP Chair. Tina Peters is not a politician and is the one who will actually get the job done.
I, Kari Lake, put my full support behind a true patriot for GOP Chair, Tina Peters. I hope you will join me.”

Colorado conspiracist blogger Ashe Epp tweeted last Saturday that Lake’s endorsement was sent out as a robocall, presumably to the voting members of the Colorado GOP Central Committee. Peters did not respond to a text message inquiry to confirm the robocall. Likewise Lake did not respond to an email request for comment sent to her campaign press office. This article will be updated with any responses received.
The field of Republicans hoping to lead the Colorado GOP nearly doubled last Friday, with three new candidates joining the race. While Peters is likely the grassroots’ favorite, at least among the election-denying conspiracy crowd, all three of the newcomers and six of the seven total candidates believe the Big Lie.
Those same six candidates also support withdrawing from state’s open primary process, Colorado’s largest plurality of registered voters, independents, to vote in either party’s primary. In her candidacy announcement on Joe Oltmann’s podcast, Peters said she has assembled a legal team to challenge the open primary law in court. She promised to file that lawsuit on her first day as party Chair.