A list of proposed resolutions for the Colorado GOP’s upcoming State Assembly, set to take place this Saturday, includes a statement that claims Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shows the necessity that American civilians be armed. 

The list, sent out in an email to GOP officials by Colorado GOP Chair Kristi Burton Brown, appeared on the Colorado GOP website.

Resolution #12, “Upholding the Second Amendment,” reads as follows:

“Whereas it is a fundamental right to feel safe from harm in one’s home and in public, and whereas, recent events in Ukraine and other places around the world have shown an undeniable requirement for citizens to be armed and trained in the uses of arms, and whereas, an unarmed population is truly defenseless to aggressors at every level, Be It Resolved that the Colorado Republican Party shall wholeheartedly affirm the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution which states: ‘A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.’” 

It is unclear whether the writers of this resolution think that Ukraine’s geopolitical position is comparable to that of the U.S.; whether the U.S. is at risk of being invaded; or who they think could potentially be “aggressors.”

Other resolutions on the list stoke a similar climate of wariness, with Resolution #11 listing “freedom from fear for ones’ safety in any way, be it bodily harm, fear of property destruction, fear of anarchy from general lawlessness” as reasons for promoting law and order and “properly funding” the police.

The list does not shy away from other key GOP issues, either. It also contains a resolution claiming that abortion “is not reproductive healthcare but instead an inhumane procedure that intentionally and purposely kills the most defenseless members of the human race.” The resolution sets course for Republicans to pursue the full defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Beyond that, one resolution claims that a large portion of Coloradans “on both sides of the aisle” have distrusted the integrity of elections for the past six election cycles. That equates to twelve years, long before Donald Trump’s defeat in the 2020 Presidential election brought claims of election fraud into vogue.

Read the full list of resolutions here.