The results are in: Conservation Colorado released their annual scorecard grading Colorado Senators and Representatives on their support of pro-environment legislation. The scores were based how legislators voted on 17 environmental bills selected by Conservation Colorado, including House Bill 1004: Climate Action Plan for Colorado and House Bill 1310: Operators Liable for Oil and Gas Operations.

In the Senate, 11 Democrats received a perfect score, while no Republican scored above 27 percent. The lowest scoring Democrat was Mary Hodge of Senate District 25, with a score of 80 percent. Among the “high” scoring Republicans were Senate Majority leader Mark Scheffel and Senate President Bill Cadman with scores of 27 percent. The lowest scorers in the Senate were Republicans Kevin Grantham, Kent Lambert, and Vicki Marble, who each received a score of 9 percent.

The House scored slightly higher, with an average score of 63 percent, compared to the Senate’s average score of 57 percent. The highest scoring Republican in the House was Kevin Priola at 44 percent. The lowest scoring Democrat was Edward Vigil with a score of 67 percent. The lowest scores overall in the House came from Republicans Justin Everett, Gordon Klingenschmitt, Clarice Navarro, and James Wilson, who each received a score of 9 percent.