As if there wasn’t sufficient unrest amongst Colorado Republicans at the moment, the Trump campaign has pulled its state director after just four months. Justin Everett is going to work on the upcoming convention for the Republican National Committee, leaving the state director post empty. Meanwhile state GOP chair Dave Williams must survive a resignation demand from many of his county party chairs, one of whom faces “undetermined consequences” for her actions calling out Williams. Buckle up.

Justin Everett

Everett himself declined to comment, referring repeated inquiries to the national press team. 

Via email, RNC Spokesperson Rachel Lee confirmed Everett’s move. 

“Since the spring, the Trump campaign and the RNC have brought a streamlined collaboration to all 2024 operations,” said Lee. “In this case, Justin Everett is moving into a position with a focus on the 2024 Convention and delegate support, which is just weeks away. The groundwork established during the primary and moving toward victory in November includes operations in Colorado and every state across the country.”

Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Chris LaCivita, who is also serving as RNC Chief of Staff, declined to elaborate on the move or say if there is or will be another state director in Colorado.

“The Trump Campaign and the RNC will work as one well-funded and efficient machine with one stated goal – to defeat the Democrats on November 5th,” said LaCivita. “By combining forces and operations, The Trump campaign and RNC are deploying operations that are fueled by passionate volunteers who care about saving America and firing Joe Biden. We do not feel obligated however to discuss the specifics of our strategy, timing and tactics with members of the News Media.”

Rumors began last week when former El Paso County GOP Chair Josh Hosler tweeted last week that “Trump has pulled his support from Colorado, Justin Everett is no longer on the Trump campaign.”

Via email, Hosler said via email that a friend in the Trump campaign told him Everett isn’t working for the campaign anymore, but instead is working for the RNC.

Normally a presidential campaign making staff changes in a blue state it hasn’t won in twenty years wouldn’t be noteworthy. However, Everett may not be the only Republican leaving a leadership position in Colorado.

State Party Chairman Dave Williams’ virulent anti-LGBT email last week served as the boil-over point for Colorado Republicans, many of whom were already grumbling publicly about Williams’ having pushed the party to make primary endorsements, including himself. Williams, whom Trump publicly endorsed, has been using party funds on mailers attacking his own primary opponent Jeff Crank.

Jefferson County Chair Nancy Pallozzi announced in a press release that at least a dozen county chairs now want Williams to resign his party leadership role and have called for a vote of the party central committee to oust him.

Mountain Republicans Club email

While that process is ongoing, Pallozzi now faces backlash of her own. The Mountain Republicans Club, a prominent GOP group in her county, claims “Pallozzi and some of her fellow county chair oligarchs were triggered over Dave’s outing of the radical Democrat agenda of promoting the sexualization of innocent children.”

The group is calling on its members to attend Thursday’s JeffCo GOP executive committee meeting, which is meeting “to discuss if any disciplinary actions will be imposed upon the County GOP Chair Nancy Pallozzi for her unauthorized actions of sending press releases, having media appearances, and giving interviews without any input or direction from her Ex Com or party leaders.”