neville patrick on kaepernick saying he'd stand for anthem if he could play again“BREAKING: Quarterback Colin Kaepernick tells CBS he’ll stand during the national anthem if given chance to play football in NFL again.”

If I were Colorado State Rep. Patrick Neville (R-Littleton), and I were the ultra-conservative leader of Colorado’s House Republicans, I would have shared that news, delivered via Facebook by the Associated Press, on my Facebook page.

I mean, it was reported by CBS and and validated by AP, both credible news outlets.

And, in fact, Neville shared it on his Facebook page, with the comment, “Values have no price.”

But it turns out Kaepernick never said this.

Snopes now says it’s not true, and so does CBS itself, which corrected its own report.

So it’s 100 percent fake news, if you define it, as I do, as false information, packaged as news, that’s been deemed false by, Politifact, Snopes, or a credible news outlet.

So, Neville should delete it from his Facebook page, right?

He should explain what happened, because, as a leading Colorado Republican, he certainly wants to set a good example and show his commitment to fact-based discourse.

But despite my calls and email to Neville beginning last week, the fake news post remains on his Facebook page. I wish I knew why he hasn’t removed it. Maybe he didn’t get my messages? Seems like he and I would agree on this one.